Postponed several times due to the worldwide health situation, our Erasmus partnership with the Friedrich Dessauer Gymnasium in Frankfurt had finally take place normally.
From Monday, May 2nd 2022 to Sunday, May 8th, a group of 11 students (classes of Seconde, Première and Terminale) travelled to our German partner school, accompanied by Pauline Lepointe, History and Geography teacher, Saddam Ouguenoune, German teacher and Frédéric Rousselle, Director of OEC International.
The students stayed with the families of their student partners.
Program of the trip was:
The practice of modern languages (English, German and even sometimes French) to both communicate and work,
Discovery of the German educational system by attending classes,
But also discovery of a city and its history: Frankfurt (guided tours of the city, the historical museum with the exhibition “Frankfurt und der NS”). The emphasis was placed on memory, with a visit to the Jewish Museum and the Anne Frank Center. These were great opportunities to discuss the values on which the European Union is founded: human rights, democracy and fight against all forms of discrimination.
As chance would have it, the qualifying match for the Europa League final between Eintracht Frankfurt and West Ham took place during the same week. Many of us were able to follow the match on screen, or even in the stadium, experiencing the jubilation of a whole city after the qualification for the football final (won on May, 18th)!
We will soon welcome our German partners from May 29 to June 03 in Lille, North of France. We are looking forward to their visit.
Postponed several times due to the worldwide health situation, our Erasmus partnership with the Friedrich Dessauer Gymnasium in Frankfurt had finally take place normally.
From Monday, May 2nd 2022 to Sunday, May 8th, a group of 11 students (classes of Seconde, Première and Terminale) travelled to our German partner school, accompanied by Pauline Lepointe, History and Geography teacher, Saddam Ouguenoune, German teacher and Frédéric Rousselle, Director of OEC International.
The students stayed with the families of their student partners.
Program of the trip was:
The practice of modern languages (English, German and even sometimes French) to both communicate and work,
Discovery of the German educational system by attending classes,
But also discovery of a city and its history: Frankfurt (guided tours of the city, the historical museum with the exhibition “Frankfurt und der NS”). The emphasis was placed on memory, with a visit to the Jewish Museum and the Anne Frank Center. These were great opportunities to discuss the values on which the European Union is founded: human rights, democracy and fight against all forms of discrimination.
As chance would have it, the qualifying match for the Europa League final between Eintracht Frankfurt and West Ham took place during the same week. Many of us were able to follow the match on screen, or even in the stadium, experiencing the jubilation of a whole city after the qualification for the football final (won on May, 18th)!
We will soon welcome our German partners from May 29 to June 03 in Lille, North of France. We are looking forward to their visit.