Last school year, we welcomed Sana, a student of Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School in the 10th grade.
Back in Hiroshima, Sana put us in touch with her high school, and after many exchanges of emails, we organised a first virtual meeting between our two high schools.
8 students – Alice, Anaëlle, Daphné, Gaëlle, Lou-Anne, Louise, Rose and Sarah – and about thirty Japanese girls (the school is not mixed) participated in this meeting on Saturday 26 November morning, at 08:30 (16:30 Japanese time). After the preamble of Mr ROUSSELLE and 野中理恵 (Rie NONAKA), the students presented their respective high schools and cities. The exchanges continued on the life at school, the wearing of uniforms in Japan, the holidays (the Japanese women are very interested for the Christmas markets), and many other subjects.
The meeting ended with the creation of an Instagram group.
The feedback from our partners was very positive, and we should meet again at the beginning of 2023 for a new meeting, on more specific themes
Last school year, we welcomed Sana, a student of Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School in the 10th grade.
Back in Hiroshima, Sana put us in touch with her high school, and after many exchanges of emails, we organised a first virtual meeting between our two high schools.
8 students – Alice, Anaëlle, Daphné, Gaëlle, Lou-Anne, Louise, Rose and Sarah – and about thirty Japanese girls (the school is not mixed) participated in this meeting on Saturday 26 November morning, at 08:30 (16:30 Japanese time). After the preamble of Mr ROUSSELLE and 野中理恵 (Rie NONAKA), the students presented their respective high schools and cities. The exchanges continued on the life at school, the wearing of uniforms in Japan, the holidays (the Japanese women are very interested for the Christmas markets), and many other subjects.
The meeting ended with the creation of an Instagram group.
The feedback from our partners was very positive, and we should meet again at the beginning of 2023 for a new meeting, on more specific themes